Java SE Primer Workshop

This course is designed for the novice developer or those with little or no experience of Java who require an introduction to the Java SE 8 language using a choice of IDE.
Practical sessions make up a large part of the course, allowing students to quickly put into practice what is taught during the theory sessions. During these sessionsattendees will build a simple but complete application.

Practical examples are used extensively, ranging from simple code 'snippets' to full applications with complete 'real world' functionality. These are supplied at the start of the course and it is encouraged that students execute and 'experiment' with these under the instructor's guidance as they are introduced. At the end of the course these examples will be available to take away, along with the attendees' own work.
The comprehensive Student Guide supplied is fully indexed, serving as a useful reference tool long after the course has finished. All students will have access to a free help-line with technical questions relating to topics covered on the course.

What you will learn

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • use the Java SE environment to develop programs
  • describe the Java programming environment at a conceptual and terminological level
  • explain Object Oriented concepts and use.

Who Should Attend

New Java programmers


Attendees should be familiar with the Windows host environment. Knowledge of any programming language is advantageous, but not essential.


3 days

Fee (per attendee)

£1650 (ex VAT)


This includes free online 24/7 access to course notes.


Hard copy course notes are available on request from

at £50.00 plus carriage per set.

Course Code



Introduction to Java

What is Java? The Java Programming Language The Java Platform, the ClassPath; What Can Java Do?; Overview of the many subjects covered by Java; Advantages of using Java; Creating a java class; Running Simple Applications; A simple first example - The "Hello World" Application.

Object-Oriented Concepts

An introduction to Objects What is an Object?, Encapsulation Communicating between objects; What are Messages?, the benefits of Messages; Classes; What are Classes?, Objects vs. Classes, instantiation, the benefits of Classes; Inheritance; What is Inheritance?, the benefits of Inheritance.

The Java Language

Variables; Usage Types, Data Types, Literal Values, Naming Standards, Scope, Initialisation, Constants, Escape Characters; Arrays & Multi-Dimentional Arrays; Strings; Strings are objects!, Concatenation, Testing for String equality, Manipulation; Operators; Arithmetic, Unary, Relational, Conditional, Bitwise, Assignment, Expressions; Primitive Casting & Data Type Conversion; Control Flow Statements; if-else, switch, For, While, Do-while, break and continue, Labeled Loops; The return Statement; Enums; Passing Arguments to JAVA Programs.

Objects, Methods And Classes

Introduction to Classes and Objects; Methods, Applications & Object Code; Creating & Manipulating Objects, Calling Methods, Passing Arguments and Method Overloading, Returning Values from Methods; Constructors, Static Code; Varargs; Inheritance - Extending a Class; What does a Subclass Inherit?; Methods in java.lang.Object; Garbage Collection & Finalization.


Packages, Using Package Members, Importing.

AVA Keyword Summary

Accessibility Modifiers; Declaration Parameters; Class modifiers, Variable modifiers, Method modifiers.

Conversion, Formatting And Precision

Data Type Conversion, Wrapper Classes; Autoboxing; Decimal Precision and the Big Decimal class; Numeric Formatting, Date Formatting; Formatting.


Literal Values, Implicit & Explicit Casting, Casting With Operators; Casting Objects, Narrowing & Widening.

The Eclipse/Rad/Wsad Development Environment (optional)

The Workbench; Perspectives, Views, Toolbars, Editors; Importing and exporting, Searching; Rearranging Views, Fast Views; Working With Java; Working with buildpaths and classpaths; Fixing Problems, Creating new Classes and Interfaces; The Java Editor; Editing code and elements, Content/Code Assist, Code Formatter; Managing Imports, Local History, Refactoring; Other Views; The Type Hierarchy, Using the Outline View; Running and Debugging apps.

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